Cairn Housing Association pledges support to take tech into its homes
Cairn Housing Association has signed up to a collaborative initiative that aims to develop and foster new technology-based solutions to help to drive improvements in its service to tenants.

John Davidson, director of customer services at Cairn, and Meg Deasley, strategic asset project manager
The Technology Enabled Care Charter (TEC) is a national programme, funded by the Scottish Government and hosted by the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations, which provides a framework to support the housing sector in delivering technology-based housing solutions.
The TEC programme has been working with a number of housing organisations and individuals to promote best practice and support the contribution that the housing sector is making to the use of technology in housing.
The seven TEC pledges encourage allegiance to implementing technology-based care solutions, supporting workforces who deliver these services, and keeping customers informed about new advancements.
Cairn is one of 21 organisations in Scotland who have signed the charter.
John Davidson, director of customer services, said Cairn is committed to delivering technology-driven care solutions that result in a higher quality lifestyle so that residents can live independently for longer.
Mr Davidson added: “With around one-third of our stock consisting of homes for older persons, signing up to the TEC Charter demonstrates our intention to ensure that we pro-actively consider the use of technology in our plans for improving and future-proofing services to these homes.
“We are already able to demonstrate progress against many of the pledges and pro-actively checking in against all seven will help inform our overall improvement work and ensure that TEC is considered fully. The ability to work in partnership with others and to benefit from joint learning via the TEC programme is also of course a key driver for signing up to the Charter.”
Geraldine Begg, TEC in housing programme co-ordinator, said: “We’re delighted that Cairn Housing Association has signed up to the Technology Enabled Care in Housing Charter.
“Housing organisations across Scotland are perfectly placed to make a major difference to the health and well-being of their customers. In signing up to the charter, Cairn is demonstrating commitment to the use of TEC in creating and delivering modern housing solutions and helping to give more people the opportunity to live well at home.”