Cairn named one of UK’s best employers for second year running
Cairn Housing Association is celebrating after returning to The Sunday Times’ list of the best not-for-profit employers in the UK.
The Sunday Times Best Companies Awards recognise organisations for creating a workplace where employees feel valued and motivated.

Members of the Cairn team at the Sunday Times Best Companies awards ceremony in London
The survey, which this year was completed by 90% of staff, analyses employee engagement across all aspects of working for Cairn, from relationships with managers to giving something back to the community.
Jason MacGilp, chief executive of Cairn Housing Group, said: “We are very happy to have received the award, and in particular to have been counted in the Top 50 of the best not-for-profit organisations in the UK for the second year in a row.
“We understand that engaged colleagues are crucial to delivering great homes and services to our customers. Sustaining high levels of engagement is important to Cairn and reflects a lot of focussed work throughout the team.”

Cairn joins Port of Leith Housing Association (PoLHA) and Fife Housing Group on the list.