Caroline Jardine retires from Cernach after ten years

Caroline Jardine retires from Cernach after ten years

Caroline Jardine

Cernach Housing Association director Caroline Jardine will formally step down tomorrow after ten years in the role and nearly 40 years in housing.

Following working as a welfare rights officer, Caroline worked in many roles within Scottish Special Housing Association and Scottish Homes during her successful career. She also worked for a time in regulation, as well as with financial consultants FMD, before launching her self-employed business in 2001 where she carried out a variety of work for many Associations in the sector.

Since Caroline joined Cernach in 2015, she has led the Association in celebrating many achievements – such as several new build projects, a new office extension, grown to a staff team of 19 and providing director services to Drumchapel Housing Co-op.

Caroline said: “I’ve immensely enjoyed working at Cernach over the past decade. The Management Committee have been very supportive and the staff team second to none; I am truly grateful to each and every one of them. I’ve also worked with some fantastic people throughout the sector and appreciate all the advice and support I’ve had.  I wish Susan, Paula and the rest of the team all the best for the future – I have absolutely no doubt they’ll take Cernach forward from strength to strength.”

Susan McDonald MBE, chairperson, said of Caroline’s retirement: “The committee, while sad to see Caroline go, are so happy with her years of service and dedication to Cernach and the Drumchapel community. She has left us in an excellent position for the future, both financially and in the great staff team we have. I wish her the very best for the future and a long and happy retirement.”

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