Cassiltoun celebrates 40 years at AGM and celebration evening

On Monday 12th August 2024 Cassiltoun Housing Association held its AGM celebrating 40 years in existence.
A total of 46 members turned up to hear from the chief executive, Clair Malpas and the chairperson Anna Stuart MBE about the 40-year history of Cassiltoun, the 70th anniversary of Castlemilk, the highlights of the previous year and the challenges that lie ahead. The meeting also agreed to the appointment of the external auditor Azets who were successful after a rigorous procurement exercise.
The board of management were duly elected which included 5 new nominations, therefore the board of management will consist of 14 persons for the coming year.
At the close of the meeting, Bingo games were held and thereafter staff were available to speak to the members and answer any questions that they had whilst partaking of some light refreshments.

The Technical Team had a table at the front door, taking repairs and giving out free Hygrometer-Thermometers which measure humidity and temperature within the home.
All members present were entered into a free prize draw to celebrate the 40th Anniversary with 3 prizes of Asda vouchers for the lucky members pulled out of the hat.
On Friday 2nd August 2024, board and staff had a celebration evening with former staff and Board members. There were speeches from the current chairperson and founder member Anna Stuart MBE, current CEO Clair Malpas and two previous CEOs Charlie Turner and Charlie Millar sharing stories of their time with Cassiltoun.
A fabulous evening was had by all and it was great to see so many old friends there. A photobooth was on hand to capture the memories of the night and the evening finished off with karaoke which everyone joined in.