Cassiltoun Housing Association wins Walking Champion award
Cassiltoun Housing Association has been awarded the Social Housing Association Walking Champion award at the first Scottish Walking Awards which are organised by Paths for All, Ramblers Scotland and Living Streets.

The Association won the award after Cassiltoun staff walked over 2000 miles throughout the month of February.
In February the staff team at Cassiltoun set themselves a challenge – to see how far they (collectively) could walk. The purpose was to encourage each other to step away from the computer and get outside in the daylight hours and appreciate their local surroundings. Whilst out walking they also took pictures of what they saw and shared them with their colleagues.
The award was given in recognition of the work that they and their volunteers undertake to promote local walking routes and maintain Castlemilk Park, their local woodland and ensure that is an enjoyable natural resource.
Clair Malpas, CEO of Cassiltoun, said: “The board and staff team are very proud to have won this award in recognition of the work that we do. Specific praise must go to our Communities team and Stuart Whittaker our Community Woodland officer and our army of local volunteers who work hard to improve. maintain and promote walking in the woodlands and the local area.”