Celebrating one year of Make A Stand domestic abuse campaign
A campaign to tackle domestic abuse in the housing sector has generated 337 signatories in its first year.

Jim Strang
Make a Stand was created by the Chartered Institute of Housing in partnership with Women’s Aid and the Domestic Abuse Housing Alliance (DAHA). It asks housing organisations to make four commitments to support residents and staff experiencing domestic abuse.
John Green, chief executive of Shropshire Rural Housing Association (SRHA), which recently signed the pledge, said: “For SRHA, signing up to Make a Stand was firstly about making a very clear statement that we won’t tolerate domestic abuse.
“More importantly however, it is about putting that statement into action, through embedding a supportive culture that serves to identify and respond to instances of domestic abuse, and undertaking some very practical measures around awareness, training, advice and partnerships with specialist services.
“We signed up because we believe it is our responsibility to do what we can to tackle domestic abuse. Make a Stand has provided the focus for us to join our colleagues in the sector in ensuring we all acknowledge that responsibility.”
Cyan Matthews, neighbourhood officer of Homes in Sedgemoor, said: “As the first organisation to sign up to the campaign, we will continue to support those who experience domestic abuse.
“Our commitment to highlight the issues surrounding domestic abuse in all its forms has led us to work with our response repairs contractor MD Building to introduce the supporters’ pledge, which allows suppliers and contractors to demonstrate their commitment too.
“Within our organisation we continue to work with White Ribbon to raise awareness in the workplace and are also seeking DAHA accreditation later this year.”
CIH president Jim Strang added: “To all those organisations who joined us, I say that you are already making a huge difference to the lives of thousands; to those still to do so, come and join us and together we’ll help end the scourge of domestic abuse in our society. Your organisations can do wonderful things - let ending domestic abuse be one of them.”
Adina Claire, co-acting chief executive of Women’s Aid, said: “Over the past year, the Make a Stand campaign has had a significant impact by encouraging housing professionals in more than 300 organisations to recognise the important role they have in supporting survivors of domestic abuse. No woman or child should face homelessness because they are experiencing domestic abuse. By signing up to the Make a Stand pledge and putting its commitments into action, organisations can make a real difference to the lives of survivors.”