Changeworks unveils new home retrofit service

Changeworks unveils new home retrofit service

Environmental charity Changeworks is launching a new innovative service that will support homeowners to make their home more energy efficient.

EcoCosi from Changeworks is a comprehensive service that provides tailored solutions, advice, and end-to-end support to households through the process of retrofitting their home.

Changeworks has over 35 years’ experience in decarbonisation; in 2022/23 alone, the charity installed over 7,700 energy efficiency measures in homes working with councils and social landlords. Scotland has some of the most energy inefficient housing in Europe, with 13% of Scotland’s greenhouse gas emissions coming from energy use in the home.

It’s estimated 1.5 million privately owned Scottish homes will need to undergo a retrofit process to use less energy and run more efficiently to achieve net zero. This process includes improvements such as adding insulation, switching from gas boilers to heat pumps, or installing solar panels.

To meet this challenge, Changeworks’ new retrofit agency will provide a trusted and supported service to help house owners decarbonise their homes without the hassle. Firstly, a retrofit assessor will carry out a whole-house assessment to find out more about the home and its current energy use.

This information is then compiled to create a bespoke home report for the homeowner. Secondly, a retrofit coordinator will guide the householder through the recommended energy efficiency upgrades to work out the best solutions and decide upon an installation timeline. Thirdly, the work itself begins, with contractors arriving on site.

EcoCosi also offers peace of mind for people along their decarbonisation journey. All installers are recruited from EcoCosi’s vetted contractor network. Project management support is provided throughout the installation, and work is reviewed after completion to ensure it is completed to a high standard.

Sam Cribb, retrofit strategic development manager at Changeworks, said: “Changeworks has many years of skills and experience managing retrofit projects for thousands of homes across Scotland. Now, with EcoCosi, we’re bringing that expertise to a wider market to support homeowners wanting to make energy efficiency improvements to their home. Retrofit can be a confusing and overwhelming process. That’s where EcoCosi comes in, helping to decarbonise homes without the hassle.”

Initially piloting in Edinburgh, the service will then be rolled out across Scotland to scale up Changeworks’ reach to decarbonise homes. Householders who are interested in the service across Scotland can register their interest online.

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