Charities benefit from Cunninghame fundraising to tune of £5,000
Cunninghame Housing Association raised a total of £5,217 for its two charities after its Long Service awards celebration night in late November.

Cunninghame staff hand cheques to The Salvation Army (Irvine) (left) and North Ayrshire Foodbank
The Association presented a cheque for £2000 to The Salvation Army (Irvine) Christmas Toy Appeal 2019 who work tirelessly to make a difference to families’ lives in Ayrshire.
John Steele, Salvation Army (Irvine), said: “The Salvation Army appreciates the time and effort that Cunninghame Housing Association and their staff have gone to, to donate gifts to the children and young people we support around Ayrshire this Christmas.”
Cunninghame Housing Association also presented a cheque for £2,608.65 to Craig Crosthwaite of the North Ayrshire Foodbank to contribute towards food supplies over the festive period to families and individuals in need.
The presentations took place at the Association’s Quayside Offices, Ardrossan on December 12.
Allison McColl, the Association’s executive director of finance & corporate services, added: “The Association is delighted to be able to make these presentations to The Salvation Army (Irvine) Christmas Toy Appeal 2019 and North Ayrshire Foodbank. We hope this helps make a difference to people over the festive period.”