Charities join forces to inform older veterans of housing options
Two of Scotland’s leading charities Age Scotland and Housing Options Scotland have teamed up to launch housing advice guide for veterans in Scotland.
The Housing for Older Veterans in Scotland advice guide is for any military veteran age 65 and older who has completed at least one day’s Regular or Reserve service in HM Forces.

Age Scotland is a member of the ‘Unforgotten Forces’ Consortium which is a partnership between 15 leading organisations led by Poppyscotland which is delivering a range of new and enhanced services to older veterans and funded this guide.
The new guide’s wealth of knowledge has been backed by the Scottish Veteran’s Commissioner Charlie Wallace who has welcomed charities working together to improve the lives of older military veterans.
Mr Wallace said: “This is a practical guide which provides a wealth of information for older veterans. It’s a great example of what can be achieved when organisations work together, pooling their knowledge and expertise and is something I am keen to see more of.”
Age Scotland chief executive, Brian Sloan, said: “As an older veteran you may have settled in civilian housing years ago, but later life can make a rethink necessary; perhaps you’re thinking about adapting your home or moving to a more suitable one.
“Thanks to funding from the Unforgotten Forces partnership and the specialist knowledge of Housing Options Scotland Military Matters service, we’re able through the guide to inform veterans not only about housing options open to every older person, but also about the extra help and options available solely to them.”
Housing Options Scotland chief executive, Moira Bayne, said: “We are delighted to see the publication of this guide, which shows how committed we all are to supporting our veterans in later life.”
The guide is an initiative of Age Scotland’s Veterans’ Project and Housing Options Scotland’s Military Matters service. Military veterans are encouraged to request their free copy from the Age Scotland helpline - 0800 12 44 222.