Charity Spotlight: GC Live raises over £10,000 for Cash for Kids’ Mission Christmas campaign

Charity Spotlight: GC Live raises over £10,000 for Cash for Kids’ Mission Christmas campaign

GC Live, a major events organiser has raised £10,405 for Cash for Kids during their three major 2024 seasonal events, including the Starry Nights Christmas experiences at Dean Castle near Kilmarnock and the new location at Beecraigs Country Park, West Lothian, as well as Fawkes Festival, Scotland’s largest fireworks event held at the Royal Highland Centre near Edinburgh.

The Starry Nights event at Dean Castle alone raised £4,408, contributing significantly to the overall total and continuing to strengthen the existing relationship between GC Live and Cash for Kids West Scotland.

Cash for Kids senior corporate fundraiser for the West of Scotland, Rebecca Campbell, said: “Clyde 1 Ayrshire Cash for Kids were delighted to continue our working relationship with GC Live’s Starry Nights at Dean Castle for the second year, where an incredible £4,408 was raised!

“These funds allow Cash for Kids to support local disadvantaged children across Ayrshire to have a better Christmas.

“Through the support of partners like GC Live and our local communities, we’re able to ensure disadvantaged children receive food and activities throughout the school holidays.”

Meanwhile, the new Starry Nights at Beecraigs Country Park raised an impressive £2,764.50, while Fawkes Festival added a further £3,233 to the campaign total for Cash For Kids Edinburgh, The Lothians, Fife and Falkirk.

Charity Spotlight: GC Live raises over £10,000 for Cash for Kids’ Mission Christmas campaign

These combined efforts provided crucial support to the charity’s Mission Christmas, the UK’s largest gift appeal – this year through multiple locations throughout Scotland. The campaign helps to ensure that hundreds of local children wake up to a visit from Santa, providing gifts to children who would otherwise go without.

Karayn Chisolm, corporate fundraiser for Cash For Kids Edinburgh, The Lothians, Fife and Falkirk, added: “We are delighted to receive this incredible donation from GC Live following the Fawkes Festival and Starry Nights events.

“2024 was our biggest Mission Christmas ever – with over 23,000 applications – but thanks to the incredible support we received from partners like GC Live, we were able to provide gifts for each and every one of them.

“It is clear from the feedback we’ve received that the long-term impact of Mission Christmas is huge. It brings so much joy and, in many cases, a sense of self-worth, to the children and young people who receive the gifts. Thank you again for choosing to support us!”

Geoff Crow, director of GC Live, said: “We are incredibly proud of the amount we were able to raise in support of Cash for Kids and their Mission Christmas campaign throughout Scotland.

“Each year, we see the positive impact these funds have on the lives of children and families in our communities. These results wouldn’t have been possible without the generosity of our event attendees, and we couldn’t be happier to support such a deserving cause.”

The funds raised by GC Live provided essential support to disadvantaged children and families, further cementing the company’s commitment to creating positive change through their events.

The Scottish Housing News Charity Spotlight feature highlights the vital work of charities across Scotland each Friday. To include your local charity, whether housing-related or not, send your story and images to us at

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