Chartered Institute of Housing calls for pause on Serco evictions
The Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) has called on private housing provider Serco to pause lock change evictions against asylum seekers in Glasgow pending a court appeal.

The Govan Law Centre (GLC) confirmed this week that it will appeal last month’s Court of Session decision that the lock changes were not unlawful.
The appeal, backed by Positive Action in Housing, the homelessness and human rights refugee and migrant rights charity, comes as Serco restarts the process of lock change evictions, without informing key partners as promised in court.
Commenting on the announcement, Jim Strang, CIH president, said: “Govan Law Centre will lodge its appeal against the Court of Session judgement on lock change evictions for asylum seekers in Glasgow and as such, CIH calls on Serco to pause these evictions while the legal process is still ongoing.
“This pause would ensure any definitive eviction process is supported by the law and gives tenants enough time and information about their tenancy rights. We hope that Serco will defer action until the judgment from the Court of Session and engage constructively with local partners about how we best provide safe, secure accommodation for asylum seekers across the city.”