Clackmannanshire Local Development Plan approved

Clackmannanshire CouncilA plan which will guide the future use and development of land in Clackmannanshire for the next 20 years has been approved at a Clackmannanshire Council meeting last week.

The adopted Local Development Plan (LDP) for Clackmannanshire represents the council’s position in terms of the policies it wishes to adopt and the sites and projects it wishes to promote and support. It is reviewed every five years, and the approved plan has been subject to consultation and examined by a Reporter from the Directorate for Planning and Environmental Appeals (DPEA). The Reporter’s recommended changes to the plan were generally minor in nature and did not require significant changes to the LDP.

Local Development Plans provide a robust, plan-led approach to land use planning and development, setting out a clear, concise, long-term vision for the future development of an area and providing relevant and up to date policy guidance. Along with a guide for the development of sites, it also provides supplementary guidance in areas such as affordable housing and energy efficiency. The plan is now submitted to the Scottish Government for final approval.

Council leader Les Sharp said: “I am pleased that the council has now approved and adopted the Local Development Plan, which will provide a clear vision for the sites we want to see developed in Clackmannanshire and the policies that will be followed.

“We want to see our county developed in a sustainable way which meets the needs of our community and supports and encourages business to grow in Clackmannanshire. This plan has been subject to significant consultation and scrutiny, and will help our communities have confidence in how we guide development in the years ahead.”


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