Comhairle nan Eilean Siar appoints two new chief officers

Comhairle nan Eilean Siar appoints two new chief officers

Anne Murray and John Cunningham

Comhairle nan Eilean Siar has made two appointments to senior roles with Anne Murray moving into the position of chief officer, economic & community regeneration and John Cunningham taking the role of chief planning officer.

Anne and John will bring a huge amount of experience to their respective roles having both held a number of positions with the Comhairle.

Anne Murray has worked for the Comhairle since 2005. For the last three years, she has been the programme director for the Islands Growth Deal, working for the Comhairle, Orkney Islands Council and Shetland Islands Council to manage and co-ordinate delivery of the £100 million Islands Growth Deal Programme across the three island groups.

Prior to this, Anne spent over 15 years working in economic development and policy development roles within Comhairle nan Eilean Siar. Key areas of work over that period included work with the islands’ creative industries, textiles, and renewable energy sectors. In the role of chief officer, Economic & Community Regeneration, she will have primary responsibility for service areas including business regeneration, economic and community development, and building standards, planning and strategic housing services.

Anne Murray, said: “I am delighted to have been appointed to this new role and look forward to working with colleagues, elected Members and the Comhairle’s partners to develop, and support the delivery of, the Comhairle’s strategic vision for the economic prosperity and sustainability of the islands.”

John Cunningham is a Chartered Town Planner who joined the Comhairle in August 1989 on graduation from the University of Aberdeen. During his time with the Comhairle, John has worked across a range of services from Planning and Housing to Community Regeneration and Economic Development.

More recently, John has been involved in the promotion of Renewable Energy, playing a pivotal role in securing a 1.8GW Grid connection for the Western Isles and ensuring the return of Crown Estate revenues to island communities. In his new role, John will be responsible for Planning, Building Standards, Housing and Future Energy Solutions including Hydrogen.

Commenting on his appointment, John Cunningham said: “As a planner, I welcome the opportunity to contribute at senior level to the leadership, vision and strategic direction of the Comhairle. Nationally, over recent decades, the influence of planning seems to have weakened but the Comhairle’s commitment to the appointment of a chief planning officer demonstrates a determination to secure the place of Planning at the top table in order to provide a long-term vision and increased certainty for development.

The role of planning within the local authority has never been more important, working across all service areas to ensure the best place-based solutions for our communities. I look forward to working with the chief executive and our elected members to develop the long-term strategic visions that we now require.”

Malcolm Burr, chief executive of Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, commented: “I would firstly once again like to thank Calum Iain Maciver, depute chief executive, and congratulate him on his many achievements in a long and fruitful career of committed service to the development of the Western Isles economy and the delivery of public services. Secondly, I would like to extend my congratulations and best wishes to Anne and John in their new roles.

“Anne and John bring a vast amount of experience to these positions and are well regarded by both members and fellow Officers. Importantly they are both individuals that care about the future of our communities and will always work to their benefit. I look forward to working alongside them in their new roles.”

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