Community efforts of Berwickshire and Govan HAs discussed at Social Housing Resilience Group
The Social Housing Resilience Group (SHRG) met last week and discussed what could be learned from how Berwickshire Housing Association and Govan Housing Association have been working with their communities during the coronavirus outbreak.
Facilitated by the Supporting Communities Fund, the work has shown how housing associations can mobilise quickly to get resources to those who need them, facilitated by much closer local partnership working with health and social care partnerships, including data sharing.
The need to support tenants/communities to take work forward in the longer-term was also highlighted.
The SHRG discussed the announcements on national restrictions and the need for clear communication to the sector.
The latest dashboard from the Scottish Housing Regulator shows an increase in rent arrears although this is lower than in previous months; there are more empty properties which may be due to increased lettings; and there is a slight increase in people in temporary accommodation. The SHRG agreed that discussion on aims and targets for lettings to homeless people needs to take account of lettings through allocations policies which then free up properties for people experiencing homelessness.
It also was agreed that the housing sector needs to be involved in the review of adult social care. The Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) will publish a paper on models of housing with care and support in the coming weeks to support these conversations.