Consultation: Can we end destitution and protect everyone’s human rights in Scotland?

The Everyone Home Collective of 30 charities and academics concerned with homelessness in Scotland are inviting views and opinion from today on their latest Route Map, dealing with No Recourse to Public Funds and issues around asylum and immigration as that relates to homelessness.

No Recourse to Public Funds (NRPF) is a restrictive condition imposed by immigration legislation reserved to the UK Government. It prevents people ‘subject to immigration control’ from accessing some welfare benefits and support and from using local authority housing and homelessness services

The Everyone Home Collective Route Map is designed to present a way forward to mitigate the damaging impact for people who find themselves in this position.

Until 30 September 2020, the collective is consulting widely and seeking insight and feedback to enhance the Route Map and deliver an ambitious new approach in Scotland.

Respond to the survey at or by contacting Homeless Network Scotland on 0141 420 7272, by text at 0783 443 7185, email: or join the conversation on social media at #EveryoneHome.

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