Consultation launched into future of social housing regulation in Scotland
The Scottish Housing Regulator is considering the introduction of Annual Assurance Statements for local authorities and RSLs as it consults on proposals for how it regulates social housing in Scotland.
Tenants, landlords and others with an interest in its work are invited to give their views by December 14.
In its proposals, the Regulator explains how it will continue to safeguard and promote the interests of current and future tenants, people who are homeless and others who use social landlords’ services.
A key proposal would see the introduction of Annual Assurance Statements for local authorities and RSLs. Through these Statements, landlords would confirm that they are meeting the standards and outcomes in the Scottish Social Housing Charter, and regulatory requirements. For RSLs, these include the Standards of Governance and Financial Management.
George Walker, the Regulator’s chair, said: “Our proposals aim to support landlords to do the right things, by promoting a culture of assurance, openness and transparency.
“We want to support RSL governing body and local authority committee members to get the assurance they need that their organisations are well-run, so can deliver what tenants and other service users need and want at a price they can afford to pay.
“Our proposals reflect feedback from stakeholders on our discussion paper earlier this year. Since then we’ve continued to discuss our ideas at meetings and events, to develop and test our thinking.
“Thank you to everyone who has shared their views so far. This has been a really constructive discussion, and your feedback has been invaluable. The draft Regulatory Framework and guidance we are now proposing have been shaped by your feedback, and will continue to be informed by your responses to this consultation.”
The Regulator will use the consultation feedback to develop its final Regulatory Framework and guidance for publication in February 2019.
The consultation package is available on its website.