Council approves new development plan for Argyll and Bute
Argyll and Bute Council has formally adopted a plan for the area that will help deliver new development, safeguard the outstanding environment, attract external investment and address barriers to economic growth.
The Local Development Plan 2 (LDP2) replaces the 2015 plan and was prepared by the council following significant engagement with communities, developers, key agencies, landowners and other stakeholders. The proposed plan also went through an independent examination process with a Scottish Government-appointed reporter.
The new LDP2 and National Planning Framework 4 together form the development plan for Argyll and Bute. All decisions on planning applications need to be in accordance with the development plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise.
The council’s policy lead for planning and regulatory services, Councillor Kieron Green, said: “Argyll and Bute has an incredibly varied and outstanding natural environment making it a great place to live, work and invest. It contains the greatest number of inhabited islands, and the second largest area of councils in Scotland. From small communities in remote rural areas, to larger towns close to the central belt, it is home to numerous award-winning businesses and services. This scale and diversity presents great opportunities, as well as major challenges, in planning for the continuing development of the area.
“In the face of economic uncertainty, a climate chane emergency and an ageing population, the Local Development Plan 2 plays a pivotal role in promoting a successful future for Argyll and Bute. It will help achieve a prosperous and inclusive economy, safeguard our environmental assets, and accommodate growth of our communities.
“This will be achieved through a strategy that closely aligns to other key plans for the area. It sets out a land use framework for the next 10 years to promote, guide and manage development in Argyll and Bute. Policies, proposals and development sites aim to support the delivery of new homes and create additional employment opportunities, whilst protecting our natural and built environment.”
The LDP2 is available to view in public libraries, the council office at Manse Brae in Lochgilphead and online.