Council tenants move into new homes in Arbroath
A site where lock-up garages once stood now provides much-needed high-quality accommodation for affordable rent for Angus Council tenants.

Cllr Salmond with tenants Ian and Julie Whyte
Tenants have moved into 13 new highly energy efficient homes in the Muirton area of Arbroath, which were delivered by the council’s strategic construction partner CCG (Scotland).
The Scottish Government provided additional grant funding for the project and the new properties will be managed by the council’s Arbroath Community Housing Team.
Community engagement with tenants and homeowners helped to ensure that plans to deliver affordable housing reflected local views. This saw an area of Bloomfield Park (Donkey Park) absorbed into the development and improvements made to the local play park.

The Muirton site now includes new play equipment for children to play and a new footpath/cycle path with lighting that will improve active travel and safe routes to school. Additional car parking spaces have been provided for residents and families visiting the park. A programme of tree-planting will take place in the park this autumn.
Angus Council communities and finance convener, Cllr Mark Salmond, saw the completed project today and was delighted to be told by tenants that their new homes and environment had given them a real sense of community.
Mr Salmond said: “This is the latest example of Angus Council’s ambitions to provide high quality places and spaces for our citizens.

“We are focused on providing modern, energy efficient, affordable homes within better environments, with better facilities and improved access routes and links. We want everyone to live in places that they are proud to call home within communities that are accessible, well-connected, better and healthier places to live.”
The new Muirton development is made up of one, three and four-bedroom properties. They provide much sought-after accommodation for families, couples and single occupants and are all highly energy-efficient, taking advantage of solar power to help minimise energy costs for tenants.
CCG Scotland successfully navigated several challenges that arose as a result of COVID-19 restrictions, including social distancing and materials/workforce availability.

Cllr Salmond at the newly developed play area
CCG director, John Baggley, said: “I give my thanks to Angus Council for choosing CCG to deliver Muirton Road, the first homes of their kind formed from our strategic housing partnership.
“We worked closely with the council and our partners to optimise the design of the homes whilst our advanced construction methods will deliver long-term benefits to the end-user in the form of reduced heat loss resulting in lower energy bills. Furthermore, our involvement in the development has created a legacy of value for the local community with new employment, curriculum support for local schools and a financial donation to a locally based project amongst the work undertaken during the programme.
“CCG look forward to completing works on a further 38 homes for Angus Council in Arbroath later in the year.”