Councillor cuts sod for new ACHA homes in Kilmartin
Councillor Donnie MacMillan BEM cut the turf to start Argyll Community Housing Association’s new build development in the village of Kilmartin in Mid Argyll.
The development of four two bedroom semi-detached homes will be built by local firm MacLeod Construction of Lochgilphead and will take a year to complete.

Councillor Donnie MacMillan BEM accompanied by Councillor Roddy McCuish, Douglas Prophet and Councillor Jim Lynch from ACHA’s governing body and ACHA chief executive, Alastair MacGregor and Kenny MacLeod, managing director of MacLeod Construction
The cost of the development is £671,898 with contributions coming from Argyll and Bute Council, the Scottish Government and ACHA.
Alastair MacGregor, ACHA’s chief executive, said: “I hope I am paying Donnie a compliment when I refer to him as Scotland’s oldest councillor. We in ACHA are delighted he is able to do us the honour today. His commitment to affordable housing through his support for ACHA is well respected.
“We thought it entirely appropriate that he cut the first sod to start the Association’s first new homes in Killmartin, in the heart of his ward.”
Councillor Donnie MacMillan added: “It was a pleasure to be asked to launch the site for the new homes in Kilmartin. This is much needed housing and will most certainly benefit the community as a whole and increase the population in the area.”