Councillors to consider Dundee’s Strategic Housing Investment Plan

Councillor Anne Rendall
Dundee’s Strategic Housing Investment Plan (SHIP) which outlines the city’s affordable housing priorities over the next five years will be put to councillors for consideration next week.
The Scottish Government’s Affordable Housing Investment Programme has contributed over £89.1 million to the city for the period of 2022 to 2027.
In the period from 2015 to 2021, there have been a total of 556 new build social rented units completed in Dundee. The level of social rented house completions has been impacted by a number of issues including growing pressures, including material, labour and supply chain challenges, in the construction market.
The latest iteration of the SHIP highlights that there are a healthy number of housing units either on site or due on site in the near future and also identifies potential future developments across the city.
The SHIP outlines the ambitions of Dundee City Council and its Registered Social Landlord partners to increase the supply of affordable accommodation in the city.
Councillor Anne Rendall, neighbourhood services convener, said: “Work is about to be or is currently being carried out to provide a further 599 new affordable homes for Dundee residents within this financial year and to add to those already completed by the council and its partners.
“Affordable homes will be delivered on ten different sites, including Ellengowan Drive, South Victoria Dock Road, and the former Primary Schools of Charleston and St Vincent’s. This will give us more homes fit for the 21st century that people want to live in.
“The Plan includes additional accessible housing for adults with either learning disabilities, physical disabilities or mental health disabilities, to allow them to receive the appropriate care and support that they need within their local community.”
She added: “The council’s long-term City Centre Strategic Investment Plan will also help to prioritise future development opportunities for affordable housing in the city centre area.
“Going forward, the council will also consider the purchase of suitable, open-market properties to meet the city’s general social housing needs, including the housing requirements of extended families, and people with particular needs.”
The Strategic Housing Investment Plan will be discussed at the next Neighbourhood Services Committee on Monday 22nd November.