Cunninghame Housing Association donates £1,000 to Ardrossan South Food Larder

Craig Crosthwaite and John Kelly.
In the last week of August, John Kelly, chairperson of Cunninghame Housing Association, presented a cheque for £1,000 to Craig Crosthwaite, co-ordinator of the Ardrossan South Food Larder.
The Ardrossan Food Larder, which is based in the Church of Nazarene, Ardrossan has been operating since December 2020 and is committed to helping the local community of Ardrossan.
The aim of the Larder is to assist households access good, healthy and nutritional food for people who are on a low income or struggling financially.
The Larder charges £4 a week which in return offers people a shopping worth between £16 – £20. It is open every Monday and Friday from 4pm – 6pm and Tuesday to Thursday 2pm – 4pm.
Members are required to fill out an application form and provide proof of residency within the South of Ardrossan.
The funding provided by Cunninghame Housing Association helped replenish stock – fresh produce, store cupboard favourites, home-baked items and toiletries. Given the struggles people are facing at present, with the cost-of-living crisis and fuel poverty, every contribution to such a service as this is more important than ever.
John Kelly said: “Once again, given the current climate and the challenges people face with the cost-of-living crisis we are delighted to be able to provide financial assistance to the Ardrossan South Food Larder to support with the ever-increasing costs these services face as well as the increasing demand this creates.”
The funding for The Ardrossan South Food Larder came from the association’s “Making Our Communities a Better Place Fund” which operates throughout the year (1st April to 31st March) until the allocated funding is exhausted.