Delegates prepare to attend Scotland’s Housing Festival
The CIH Scotland Housing Festival takes place this week from 12-13 March at Glasgow’s SEC and will bring together around 800 delegates, speakers and exhibitors from across Scotland and beyond for two days of discussion, debate and networking.
The theme for this year’s Festival is ‘Home at the Heart’ and the event will focus on housing’s integral role in addressing child poverty, improving health and wellbeing and tackling inequality in our society.

Delegates will hear from a number of high profile speakers, including Aileen Campbell, cabinet secretary for local government and communities, and Campbell Robb, chief executive of the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, who will examine how housing can help to eradicate child poverty in Scotland, as well as author and food poverty campaigner Jack Monroe who will highlight the growing inequality that exists in our society and the increasing use of foodbanks across the UK.
The event will also provide an update on the potential impact of Brexit on Scotland’s economy with BBC Scotland’s business and economy editor Douglas Fraser, and delegates will hear from a number of housing experts on progress towards rapid rehousing in our keynote debate.
Commenting on this year’s Housing Festival, CIH Scotland national director, Callum Chomczuk, said: “I am very much looking forward to this year’s Scotland’s Housing Festival and am delighted to see that so many delegates, speakers and exhibitors will be joining us this year in Glasgow.
“We know that housing is about much more than just bricks and mortar; good quality, secure housing is at the heart of good health and wellbeing, helps to tackle poverty and inequality, and is a key driver of economic growth.
“However, these changes can only happen if the right systems and support are in place. Scotland’s Housing Festival is therefore a great opportunity for the sector to come together to share the innovative work that is going on to drive improvements in these areas and to ensure that housing remains high on the political agenda.
“I hope that delegates will be inspired by the speakers and sessions on offer and will be able to go back to their day jobs with renewed enthusiasm to tackle the challenges ahead.”
The Housing Festival will run over two days from 12-13 March at the SEC in Glasgow and further information can be found here.