Developer submits appeal over Kingseat housing proposal

Gladman Developments Limited has lodged an appeal over Fife Council’s refusal of its plans for 80 new homes near Kingseat.
The developer sought permission last year for the £9.8 million development on farmland to the North and South of Cuddyhouse Road.
The proposal comprised of homes of mixed type and tenure with the inclusion of 30 affordable homes. Plans for new paths and cycle routes were also proposed within the plans.
Fife Council rejected the application in June after the central and west planning committee ruled that the development was not needed as a five-year forecast said “there will be a surplus” of homes in the area.
The local authority added that residents would be faced with “unacceptable levels” of noise and the development would have an adverse effect on the “visual and landscape character” of Kingseat.
In its appeal, Gladman said the council’s reasons for refusing this proposal “are not justified” and the development would provide “much-needed housing” for Kingseat.
The developer’s argument is that the South East Scotland Plan (SESplan 2), which was rejected by ministers last year, does not form part of the local development plan and should not be used to form an opinion on the application.
The appeal noted: “As SESplan 2 does not form part of the development plan, and ceases to be a material consideration, the housing land supply position reverts back to the council’s previous position based on their assessment against SESplan requirements, wherein a clear and significant shortfall in the five-year supply of effective housing land is acknowledged.”