Digital switch for Perth and Kinross community alarms

Digital switch for Perth and Kinross community alarms

Almost 4,000 community alarm users in Perth and Kinross have been switched over to new, faster digital telecare systems.

Digital telecare systems provide greater reliability as well as faster connections, which means they can send alerts more quickly than analogue ones.

More than 275,000 calls are made through the alarm system in Perth and Kinross each year.

In 2017, BT Open Reach declared the termination of analogue telephone networks by 2025, prompting a nationwide shift to digital networks.

The UK and Scottish Government’s Digital Office, have been collaborating with telecom providers to support this transition. The deadline for the complete switchover has been extended to the end of 2027 to accommodate various challenges faced by local authorities and businesses. However, Perth and Kinross are on track to meet the original 2025 deadline.

To support the transition in Perth and Kinross, the Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) secured £6 million funding from Perth and Kinross Council in February 2022.

This funding is supporting the replacement of 4,000 analogue alarm units to digital ones.

To date, 3,850 units have been purchased at a cost of £1.34 million, leaving only 39 units pending replacement.

The remaining £4.66 million will fund the next phase of the project, including the replacement of peripherals for more complex needs, and addressing future demand due to an ageing population.

As of June 2024, approximately 2,000 clients have been migrated to the digital network, with the remaining clients expected to transition by the end of the financial year.

Perth & Kinross HSCP has received national recognition from the Local Government Digital Office, earning a Gold Level 2 Implementation Award for migrating over 50% of clients to a digital service.

Perth and Kinross Health and Social Care Partnership chief officer Jacquie Pepper said: “We are committed to completing the digital telecare switchover, ensuring those who rely on this vital service continue to receive reliable and advanced telecare services.

“We anticipate all of our customers will be fully  switched over to digital by the end of 2024. This will make Perth and Kinross one of the few Scottish local authorities to reach this milestone.”

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