Donations still required at Edinburgh foodbank distribution centre
The Royal Bank of Scotland is urging both businesses and members of the public to continue donating essential food and supplies to its Gogarburn headquarters in Edinburgh to help vulnerable people throughout Scotland as the impact of coronavirus remains prevalent across the country.

Malcolm Buchanan, chair, Scotland board, RBS
RBS has been welcoming donations at its Gogarburn headquarters since Scotland’s lockdown began in March – partnering with Social Bite, FareShare and Trussell Trust to ensure donations reach those most in need.
Since opening, Gogarburn’s catering provider, Baxter Storey, has donated over 150 meals a day to Social Bite and supplied 1,500 meals each evening to NHS Lothian staff. The distribution team has also received contributions from Royal Bank of Scotland’s agricultural customers which have allowed Baxter Storey to donate over 30,000 portions of soup to vulnerable people.
The centre has also coordinated the distribution of 123,000 ‘Bookbug’ early years education packs. The packs were donated by the Scottish Book Trust and given to schools and social work departments in Scotland’s most deprived areas, as well as to families supported by Social Bite.
Despite seeing such a great response from staff, customers and members of the public, the Gogarburn distribution centre remains in need of donations to meet demand and has partnered with Social Bite to provide household essentials and furniture required to reopen a homeless shelter in Glasgow.
Those looking to donate to the shelter can purchase much-needed essentials including bedding and towels via an Amazon wish list, with the Gogarburn distribution centre welcoming drop-offs of items such as second-hand TVs and duvets.
Malcolm Buchanan, chair, Scotland board, RBS, said: “While the gradual easing of lockdown restrictions has brought relief to many, the devastating impact of coronavirus is still being felt across the country – particularly by the most vulnerable members of our society.
“We have seen immense generosity from our staff, our customers and members of the public. However, such generosity has been matched by huge demand and we would urge those who are able to donate to continue doing so.
“By partnering with Social Bite as they move to reopen the shelter, we are able support the charity in providing much-needed accommodation to Glasgow’s homeless. We are welcoming any donations – however big or small – that will help to make this happen.”
Essential furniture and household items needed at Social Bite’s Glasgow shelter can be purchased via an Amazon Wish List, available here.
The Gogarburn distribution centre is also safely welcoming donations at its Edinburgh site.
- Read all of our articles relating to COVID-19 here.