Dundee City Council launches 2022-23 budget consultation
Members of the public are being encouraged to have their say on Dundee City Council’s spending priorities ahead of the next budget being set.

The launch of the consultation for 2022-23 comes as the city continues its journey of recovery and renewal, whilst still responding to the Covid-19 pandemic, all against a backdrop of increasing pressures on council budgets.
Willie Sawers, deputy convener of Dundee City Council’s policy and resources committee and spokesperson on finance, said: “It’s really important that people who live and work in Dundee have the opportunity to influence how the council spends its budget.
“I would encourage everyone to share their views with us. The consultation survey only takes a few minutes to complete but it really makes a difference.
“Last year, for example, areas such as climate change, poverty and mental health were prioritised for additional funding.
“We also received a lot of really useful feedback during the 21/22 consultation which helped shape our ongoing response to the pandemic.
“With Covid still not behind us, uncertainty about central government funding, increasing demands on some services and growing expectations, helping us to identify what the council’s spending priorities should be is now more important than ever.
“Before your elected representatives take the difficult decisions about exactly how the council’s resources will be allocated, please tell us where you think those limited funds should be focused.”
The council currently expects to have to save up to £14 million in the next financial year depending on funding settlements and inflation before the costs of responding to the pandemic are factored in. These figures are also before any additional income from annual increases in the current level of Council Tax are considered.
The Local Government Finance Settlement is expected in December and in January a report will be submitted to the council’s policy and resources committee detailing the grant settlement and what it means for the council’s budget. This report will also include the proposed procedure for setting the revenue budget and Council Tax for 2022/23 in February.
Cllr Sawers added: “There is a considerable amount of information to be factored in to drawing up the council’s budget and the feedback from the consultation process helps us to have a better handle on what people in Dundee are thinking, which in turn helps us to make more informed financial decisions.
“Council services are used by everyone who lives and works in Dundee and our decisions directly affect them, so it is vital that as many people as possible take part in the consultation.”