Dundee City Council launches future housing needs survey
A survey has been launched by Dundee City Council to gather the public’s views about current and future housing needs across the city,

The survey supports the preparation of a Housing Need and Demand Assessment (HNDA) which is being undertaken on behalf of a partnership between four local authorities – Dundee, Angus, Perth & Kinross and Fife.
The HNDA covers a 20-year period from 2020 to 2040, and the purpose of the study is to help the council to make decisions about future housing investment and plan for enough housing land in the right places to meet local housing needs.
The council needs to hear the views of local residents about their current housing circumstances.
Councillor Anne Rendall, neighbourhood services convener, said: “We want to hear about your home, how you feel about where you live, your current household arrangements, your housing needs and whether you plan to move in the future.
“Your views are vital because the more we find out about your current and future housing needs, the more evidence we can gather which will inform how the council can respond to your needs and help create places that people are proud to call home.”
The survey can be accessed here and will only take a few minutes to complete.