Dundee City Council required to save £14.7m in next budget

Councillor Willie Sawers
Dundee City Council could have to make savings of up to £14.7 million to achieve a balanced budget in the next financial year, the local authority has revealed.
A report to be considered by the policy & resources committee on December 6 also advises that the council would meet on February 24 2022 to set the council’s revenue budget and council tax for 2022/23.
Councillors will be told that the local authority is facing a significant challenge to deliver a balanced budget in 2022/23.
This comes against a backdrop of significant risk and uncertainty around the continuing impact of Covid-19, Brexit, government grant support, pay awards and inflation.
The report states: “There is a real risk that the actual grant reductions could be more severe than those currently being assumed.”
Councillor Willie Sawers, depute policy & resources convener and finance spokesperson, said: “There are a number of options we will need to consider, which includes the prospect of a rise in council tax to bring down savings.
“We are facing a unique position and the council is working hard to limit the impact on services to the people of Dundee.
“I will be watching the Scottish budget closely on December 9 and a further report will come before councillors in January outlining our actual grant settlement.
“These are tough times, and we will no doubt have to take tough decisions.”
Councillors will hear that the current estimate of savings required to achieve a balanced budget in 2022/23 is in the range £10.4m to £14.7m.