Dundee City Council set to strengthen domestic abuse policy

Councillor Anne Rendall
Dundee City Council is set to further strengthen its approach to tackling domestic violence, and supporting victims and their families.
The Neighbourhood Services Committee is being asked to approve a Domestic Abuse Policy designed to support victims of domestic abuse within Dundee City Council housing.
In 2019, the council signed up to the Make a Stand pledge, which was established by the Chartered Institute of Housing in partnership with Women’s Aid and the Domestic Abuse Housing Alliance. The pledge encouraged social landlords to support people experiencing domestic abuse.
One of the commitments of the pledge was to put in place and embed a policy to support those affected by domestic abuse in Council housing in the city.
A policy working group, led by the council’s housing Service, consisting of representatives from Dundee Violence Against Women Partnership, local Adult and Child Protection services, Dundee Women’s Aid and Council Legal services, was set up to help develop the new policy.
Councillor Anne Rendall, Neighbourhood Services Committee convener, said: “Adopting this policy will send a clear message that Dundee City Council, in addition to strengthening the support it offers to the victims of domestic abuse, will not tolerate such behaviour by its tenants.
“The Council’s House Letting policy is already very sensitive to these issues but it is also recognised that during the pandemic, support and advice on housing options for domestic abuse has never been more important.
“Dundee City Council has worked with a range of agencies and individuals, including a strong local Violence Against Women Partnership, to develop and further consult on this policy.
“It has been very heartening to hear the positive feedback from individuals with lived experience of domestic abuse, as well as partner agencies, remark that they think the policy will benefit the victims of domestic abuse.”
The Neighbourhood Services Committee will meet on Monday 16th November.