Dundee City Council submits plans for 35 new homes
Dundee City Council lodged a planning application to build its first social housing development for several years.
Submitted to planning officers by the council’s own architects, the proposal outlines plans to build 35 homes on land at Murrayfield Place, Murrayfield Drive, Whitfield Avenue and Murrayfield Terrace.

A number of the one- and two-storey homes would be adapted for tenants with disabilities as well as for those with additional needs.
City architect Ray Low told the Evening Telegraph that the homes would be the first “in-house” developed homes from the local authority for “quite some time” as the local authority has tended to partner up with housing associations such as Hillcrest in order to build new social homes.
A report accompanying the application stated: “The proposed development makes best and most appropriate use of land previously developed for residential use on this brownfield site with the addition of 35 plots of much needed residential accommodation.
“The proposed dwellings sit comfortably in their locality and respect the adjacent properties in terms of design and protection of amenity and they create high-quality living spaces for future occupiers.”
The council has until March 15 to consider whether or not to approve the application.