Dundee landlords urged to attend free DWP event about Universal Credit
The Scottish Association of Landlords (SAL) has urged Dundee landlords to attend a Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) event to learn more about Universal Credit.

John Blackwood
The membership body for private rented sector landlords said attendees will learn about Universal Credit and what it means for them so that they can continue to let to those who receive this benefit.
Set up in partnership with the DWP, the Universal Credit Roadshow is a free event is aimed at any person or organisation who lets out property in the private rented sector.
The event will be addressed by speakers from the DWP to answer questions, challenge some of the myths around Universal Credit and give advice for landlords and letting agents in supporting tenant claims and safeguarding rent payments.
This informal event aims to help landlords and letting agents manage tenancies where tenants are in receipt of benefits. The sessions provide an opportunity for landlords in Dundee to find out what they need to know and ask important questions.
Chief executive of Scottish Association of Landlords, John Blackwood, said: “Universal Credit has been a big change for landlords in Scotland over the past few years. We want to make sure that landlords in Dundee have all the information they need to ensure they can continue to provide high-quality homes to those in receipt of benefits. We have organised this event in Dundee, as well as others around Scotland, in partnership with the DWP so that landlords can get the information they need and ask any questions they might have. I would urge any landlord in Dundee or the surrounding area to come along to this free event and learn more.”
The event will be held at Discovery Point, Dundee on September 12, from 1.00pm - 3.00pm. More information about the event can be found here.