Dundee records second-highest number of new home completions in ten years

The second highest number of housing units in a decade have been completed across Dundee, new figures have revealed.
Statistics from the Draft Dundee Housing Land Audit 2023 show that 506 housing units were completed during the 2023 Housing Land Audit period, comprising 198 (39%) affordable housing association completions and 308 (61%) private completions.
Around 76% of the completions were brownfield land and 24% were greenfield completions.
The data is highlighted as part of a consultation on the Dundee Housing Land Audit for 2023. This annual survey provides information to help the council prepare for the Local Development Plan by outlining land supply within its boundary on March 31 2023.
Fair work, Economic Growth and Infrastructure convener Councillor Steven Rome said: “Housebuilding is an important part of Dundee’s economic transformation, bringing brownfield sites back to life and supporting over a thousand jobs in the local area, helping us deliver benefits through our community wealth building approach.
“Dundee needs a mix of housing types and I am delighted to see how different developments have been completed across the city. New housing helps to deliver our vision to make Dundee a more attractive place to live and work.
“The Housing Land Audit is a fascinating insight into the city’s economic progress and I would urge anyone who has an interest to get involved with the consultation.”
Councillor Lynne Short, depute convener of neighbourhood regeneration, housing and estate management, said: “Our recently published Strategic Housing Investment Plan outlines how Registered Social Landlords play a vital part in delivering for the people of Dundee by ensuring that the supply of affordable accommodation continues to increase.
“Going forward, the new national planning framework NP4 will assist in efforts to provide more affordable housing in the city.”
The Dundee Housing Land Audit 2023 has now been published for a period of consultation until 18 January 2024.