East Dunbartonshire fraud team helps to unlock more than 40 properties
Throughout 2016/17, the team received 248 reports of alleged fraud; up 27% on the previous year.
Each case of tenancy fraud costs local authorities an estimated £93,000 and has a direct impact on people on the waiting list for social housing.
As a result of investigations, 39 housing waiting list applications were identified as either fraudulent or containing errors, which resulted in the removal of the offer of a tenancy. Three properties were identified as not being occupied and successfully reclaimed. In addition, six homelessness applications were identified as having been made either fraudulently or in error.
Elsewhere, the fraud team uncovered Council Tax irregularities amounting to £202,412, business rates evasion of £54,363 and employment-related fraud/theft of £1,139. A total of £89,337 was also saved through the National Fraud Initiative.
Council leader Gordan Low said: “Well done to everyone within the Corporate Fraud Team for their work over the past year.
“We have a zero-tolerance approach to fraud and corruption, and are committed to safeguarding public funds.
“Rest assured, we will continue to work with our partners to tackle all incidents of fraud - protecting the public purse and ensuring fairness as regards issues such as social housing, Council Tax and school placing requests.”