East Lothian Council continues to reduce its carbon footprint

In a report published this week, which details East Lothian Council’s progress in reducing its corporate carbon footprint, a reduction in the council’s carbon footprint of 2.5% to 14,630 tCO2e (tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent) was achieved in 2019/20, down from 15,007 tCO2e in 2018/19.
The report notes that this continues the trend for a significant and steady overall reduction in the council’s corporate emissions since a baseline measurement in 2014/15. This year further improvements were made to a system for recording the emissions from the vehicle fleet to further improve accuracy.
Councillor Norman Hampshire, environment spokesperson, said: “In our Climate Change Strategy 2020–2025, which was approved in January 2020, the council set out its commitment to continue to reduce emissions towards reaching net zero and to continue to improve the integrity of our emissions data and reporting mechanisms.”
“East Lothian is a rapidly growing area, it’s extremely encouraging that we are continuing to make good progress in our total emissions reduction year on year in the context of significant population growth and changes to our base data that result from that including new schools.
“We continue to focus on specific considerations around developments within the council’s estate and aim to ensure appropriate energy efficient infrastructure and technology is utilised as appropriate.”
He added: “Following the enactment of the Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Act 2019 public bodies across the country are expected to lead by example in tackling climate change and contributing towards achieving the ambitious net zero emissions target. The council is a provider of services, a major employer and a procurer of goods and services across the county and just last month saw the adoption of a new sustainable procurement policy.”
“The work of the council this year has been greatly impacted by COVID-19 but any longer term effects the pandemic has had on the council’s energy use, fleet mileage and corporate emissions will not be detailed until next year’s annual report which will cover the financial year 2020/21.”
The full report ‘East Lothian Council’s Public Sector Climate Change Reporting 2019/20’ can be viewed here.