East Renfrewshire Council appeals to private sector landlords to lease vacant property

East Renfrewshire Council is offering private sector landlords in the area an opportunity to lease their vacant property and help support local residents who require temporary accommodation.
The Private Sector Leasing Scheme offers guaranteed rental income and a long lease of up to three years.
There are no tenancy management costs and the landlord won’t have to pay any letting agent fees. The council has also said it will also ensure the property is returned in the original condition. This scheme will provide accommodation to both local and Ukrainian homeless residents.
In situations where Afghan or Ukrainian refugees require to move on from temporary or host accommodation, East Renfrewshire Council will consider lets in the private sector and want to establish links with landlords who may have vacancies now or in the near future. In this situation, the lease would be between the landlord and tenant.
Councillor Danny Devlin, housing and maintenance convener, said: “Facing homelessness is a worrying experience for anyone, especially those who’ve recently fled their home country due to conflict, so we’re appealing to private sector landlords about both these schemes so we can continue to offer vital housing support to this vulnerable group. I’d encourage anyone who has a vacant property who would be interested, to get in touch and speak to the team.”