Edinburgh consults on new vision for health and social care
Residents are being asked to comment on a bold new vision for way the city delivers health and social care services.
The Edinburgh Integration Joint Board has launched an online consultation as it seeks feedback on its new draft Strategic Plan.

The high-level vision - which intends to rapidly influence the way services are delivered by the NHS and City of Edinburgh Council - proposes the creation of a bespoke ‘Edinburgh Model’ for collaborative health and social care, placing Edinburgh’s communities and citizens at its heart.
Developed in collaboration with patients and their families, voluntary groups and care workers, the ambitious draft plan seeks to tackle inequality and concentrate resources at a local community level rather than in hospital settings.
Through a range of measures, the strategy intends to create the right conditions for the EIJB’s existing systems to evolve over the next three years and beyond so that it can provide the city with a radically more modern, inclusive and sustainable offering.
Residents are being asked to what extent they agree with the vision and its aspirations which include developing a:
- Person centred, patient first and ‘home first’ approach, working towards shifting the balance of care from acute services to the community through a change programme
- Refreshed Edinburgh Offer, using a Three Conversations Model to support prevention and early intervention
- Motivated, skilled and balanced workforce and an enhanced partnership with the voluntary and independent sectors to continue to tackle inequality
- Care supported by the latest technology and a culture of continuous improvement, fostered by greater use of data and performance management
- Working with the strengths of citizens and communities to make sure that age, disability, or health conditions are not barriers to living a safe and thriving life in Edinburgh.
Chair of the Edinburgh Integration Joint Board, Ricky Henderson, said: “At its heart, the strategic plan sets out our desire to support people to be well at home, and in their community, for as long as possible. Providing first class acute hospital care only when medical intervention is needed, and the right care, at the right time, in the right place.
“Age, disability or health conditions should not stop people living a safe and good life and so our approach aims to work with individuals and their carers to see what matters most to them and support them to reach their goals. Everyone also deserves to live as comfortably and independently as they can, and by working towards a ‘home first’ method, we hope to empower people and communities to make these choices where they can.
“To do this, we need input from everyone who is touched by health and social care services in Edinburgh and we need to work collaboratively with our partners to optimise available resources. I urge people to take part in the consultation and have their say.”