Eildon strikes double ‘Gold’ with Investors in People accreditations
Eildon Housing Association is celebrating the impressive achievement of reaching the Gold standard through the internationally recognised Investors in People framework.
(from left) Eildon’s HR manager Deborah Taggart, Amy Simpson, Emma Harris, James Renwick, James Crombie, Remarkable CEO Bonnie Clarke, Ainsley Casson and Eildon CEO Nile Istephan
The Association was assessed as having reached the Gold level for both the overall framework and also as an ‘Investors in Young People’ organisation.
Eildon’s chief executive, Nile Istephan, said: “We are extremely proud to have received the rare distinction of a double Gold through Investors in People. This recognition is further proof that all the good work by our dedicated and hard-working staff is delivering for the people and communities that we serve.”
Bonnie Clarke, chief executive of Remarkable, the organisation licensed to deliver Investors in People in Scotland, said: “This is a fantastic achievement for Eildon, congratulations! Investors in People recognises organisations who are truly committed to their people, continuous improvement and customer service. We have supported Eildon since 2000 and we’re delighted to see their on-going dedication recognised with this Gold award. Many congratulations.”