Eildon welcomes Big Lottery bid success
Eildon Housing Association has supported Changeworks to secure Big Lottery funding for five years to set up the ‘Canny Tenants’ project.
The project was awarded £494,180 from the Big Lottery Fund.
‘Canny Tenants’ will focus on the prevention of debt occurring by helping new tenants develop financial skills to manage their fuel and food costs and household budget.
The project, which will operate in Midlothian and Scottish Borders, supporting tenants of Eildon Housing Association, Melville Housing Association and Midlothian Council, will offer assistance to tenants at the start of their tenancy helping them to manage their fuel costs; understand tariffs; different ways to pay and understand their fuel bills; read meters and use heating systems more efficiently, preventing debt and help with budgeting.
Nile Istephan, Eildon’s chief executive, said: “We look forward to working in partnership with Changeworks to assist our new tenants who are at risk of living in fuel poverty. We will work closely with our project partners to help many tenants overcome the challenges of living on a low income.”