Eildon’s Sub-Zero Heroes prepare to Sleep in the Park
Front row: Lauren Upton, Carol Robertson, Hilary Scott, Claire Wilson (absent from photo)
Twelve of Eildon Housing Association’s staff members are volunteering to participate in Social Bite’s mass sleep-out to raise funds to help eradicate homelessness.
The event which is taking place in Princes Street Gardens, Edinburgh on Saturday 9 December is attracting in the region of 9000 participants.
The pledge being made by Social Bite is: “By raising funds and working together, we can stop the sticky plaster mentality and get to the root issues to eradicate homelessness over a 5-year period by providing people with housing, rehabilitation, job opportunities and the support they need to get back on their feet.”
One of the Eildon ‘Sub-Zero Heroes’ team, housing officer Susan Turner, said: “We will be sleeping out on a freezing cold Scottish winter’s night to raise money for Social Bite and their mission to eradicate homelessness in Scotland. Your donations will go to solutions in housing, addiction and a nationwide jobs programme for the homeless. It’s a nerve wracking thing to sleep out in the cold in Scotland, but I only have to do it for one night in a managed event. Some of our most vulnerable people have to do that every night. Please give what you can to change that in Scotland. Together, we can build a movement to eradicate homelessness in Scotland for good.”
The team would like to thank contractors working in partnership with Eildon: Terry Frame, Dalex and Collective Architecture for their support and very kind donations.
If you would like to donate, please visit the Sub-Zero Heroes page.
Is your organisation taking part in Social Bite’s Sleep in the Park?
With less than a month to go until the event, Scottish Housing News is welcoming ideas on how to showcase all participants in the affordable housing sector.
Contact the Editor on kieran@scottishnews.com