ELHA aiming to save the universe with latest annual report
East Lothian Housing Association (ELHA) has officially left Wonderland and has entered the space age – only to find that the universe itself needs saving.
However, fuelled up with Power Pellets and equipped with an array of laser based weapons, it looks like everything is in hand.
The latest nonsense from ELHA relates to two things – the publication of this year’s How We’re Doing report, which includes every known statistic in the galaxy, along with a celebration of the Association reaching the grand old age of 30. The report reflects on ELHA’s current sector leading range of digital services, and compares that to what digital looked like 30 years ago, and now.
To celebrate the milestone, this year’s AGM on September 21 will also double up as a birthday party, and includes a 1980s amusement arcade, with all members, staff and guests invited to destroy as many alien lifeforms as they can in an afternoon. This will mark a change in the way the Association conducts AGM’s, as from the age of 31 onwards, rather lower key events for members only are planned, more consistent with the Association’s new status of being all grown up.
So, if your invite has got lost in the galaxy somewhere, e-mail d.kong@elha.com, let ELHA know what special skills you can use in its amusement arcade.
Otherwise, to download this year’s report, visit elha.com or follow this link, and feel free to send any comments or questions to d.kong@elha.com. In true 1980s style, all online reports have a choice of background colour (from an equally 1980s choice of two, black or white). The actual printed reports have a rather more Henry Ford choice of black.