Empty Dundee schools set to make way for new homes
Former school buildings across Dundee are set to be demolished to make way for housing and community facilities.
The buildings to be demolished are the former Frances Wright nursery and the old St Luke’s and St Matthew’s, Longhaugh, St Vincent’s and Rosebank primary schools.

The buildings, most of which were replaced last year with new school facilities, will be knocked down, cutting security costs and leaving the land clear for residential use.
Kevin Cordell, convener of Dundee City Council’s neighbourhood services committee, said: “As part of the Strategic Housing Investment Plan (SHIP) the council has identified a number of sites that are suitable for building high quality, energy efficient social rented housing giving us more homes fit for the 21st century that people want to live in.
“In the plan we are also ensuring that efforts are made to meet the needs of some of the most vulnerable members of our communities with the provision of wheelchair adapted housing and housing that is specifically designed for individuals who need care and support.”
The Dundee Strategic Housing Investment Plan (SHIP) 2019-24 sets out the affordable housing investment priorities of the council and its partners for the next five years including a particular needs housing target of up to 30% of the total built.
It says that more than 1000 affordable new homes will be built in Dundee between now and 2021.
Lynne Short, convener of the council’s city development committee, added: “We have agreed that these former schools at St Luke’s and St Matthew’s, Longhaugh, St Vincent’s and Rosebank, as well as the former nursery school at Frances Wright will be demolished to ensure that they’re not a target for vandals and to clear the sites to make way for future uses.
“Most of the sites are earmarked for housing but part of the land at St Vincent’s would make a great community play area and the Frances Wright site will be home to a new, modern and importantly bigger, nursery within the next couple of years.”
Demolition on the sites is expected to start within the next few weeks.