Engagement plans published for all social landlords as new Regulatory Framework goes live

The Scottish Housing Regulator has published an engagement plan for every social landlord and a summary of the outcomes of its annual regulatory risk assessment.
The engagement plans set out the Regulator’s requirements of each landlord and how it will engage with the landlord.
The publications mark the launch of the new Regulatory Framework which went live on 1 April 2024.
In its summary report, the Regulator sets out the main risks affecting all social landlords. It highlights that systemic failure is now impacting the delivery of homelessness services in some areas of Scotland. It also describes heightened risks around developing new homes and maintaining existing homes.
The report further sets out the challenges for social landlords in keeping rents at levels that tenants can afford while dealing with rising costs due to the impact of inflation and increased interest rates.
The Regulator will engage with 25 local authorities about their homelessness service, two of which are being impacted by systemic failure and eight are at heightened risk of being impacted by systemic failure. The Regulator plans to speak to all local authorities about their provision of temporary accommodation and how they are delivering good outcomes for people experiencing homelessness. This is the highest level of engagement by the Regulator with local authorities about homelessness since it was set up in 2012.
Each Registered Social Landlord’s (RSL’s) engagement plan includes a regulatory status which states whether the landlord complies with regulatory requirements including the Standards of Governance and Financial Management. Most RSLs (129) are compliant, seven are non-compliant and are working towards achieving compliance, and three have their regulatory status under review. The Regulator is not using its statutory powers to intervene in any RSL.
Michael Cameron, chief executive, said: “Following extensive consultation, our new Regulatory Framework is now live and the new engagement plans that we have published today, alongside the summary report, set out the key risks that social landlords face and the regulatory engagement we will have with each landlord.
“Many tenants continue to face financial hardship. Social landlords are having to operate in a context of economic uncertainty and volatility. As a result, they are having to make difficult choices as they work to tackle the acute problems in homelessness, decarbonise their homes and alleviate fuel poverty while maintaining tenant and resident safety, building new homes and providing good quality homes and services users at a rent tenants can afford to pay.
“With our new Regulatory Framework, we will continue to work with tenants, other service users, landlords and all of our stakeholders to safeguard and promote the interests of tenants, people who are homeless and others who use the services of social landlords.”