English and Welsh tenants prefer 12-month tenancy agreements

English and Welsh tenants prefer 12-month tenancy agreements

Eight out of ten rented accommodation tenants in England and Wales want a tenancy agreement lasting one year or less, according to a major study conducted by the Deposit Protection Service (DPS).

39,855 tenants whose deposits are protected by the DPS responded to the survey, with 80.1 per cent saying that they preferred agreements that lasted no longer than 12 months.

89.83 per cent said that they preferred agreements that lasted up to two years, with 34.60 per cent of the total saying they wanted contracts for six months or less.

Julian Foster, managing director at the DPS, said: “This comprehensive survey suggests that the idea that tenants crave longer tenancies is a myth.

“Like landlords, many tenants prefer the flexibility provided by shorter tenancy agreements rather than being locked into long commitments over where they live and who they rent from.

“Tenancy agreements are vital ingredients in establishing happy tenancies for both landlords and tenants, and it’s critical that they reflect the needs of both parties.”

Almost seven out of ten (69.88 per cent) said that they preferred a rolling contract of one or two months’ notice at the end of their tenancy rather than a new fixed-term contract, which was preferred by 28.05 per cent.

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