EVH raises incredible £100k for CHAS
Employers in Voluntary Housing (EVH) is celebrating its outstanding contribution to Children’s Hospices Across Scotland (CHAS) after more than a decade of dedicated fundraising.

Through countless events and initiatives over the last 15 years, EVH has been dedicated to raising vital funds for the charity.
Year on year the fundraising total has gone up and up, and last year they realised the incredible £100,000 milestone was on the horizon.
EVH director Eamonn Connolly said: “EVH celebrated its 40th birthday throughout 2018, and wanted to do something a little bit special in connection with our long-standing support of CHAS. We had managed to raise over £80,000 in the previous thirteen years but aimed high with a view to pushing this through the £100,000 mark.
“We were absolutely delighted to do this, and our overall total now stands at close to £105,000. We are very happy for all of our 2018 donation to go towards the ‘sponsor a day’ initiative. This is a brilliant idea from CHAS, and we hope many more organisations will want to get involved and cover a day too.”
The CHAS ‘sponsor a day’ initiative challenges organisations to fund a whole day’s running costs for the charity – that’s £12,750. They can choose a day that is significant to them and are invited to a special celebration on their chosen day at one of the CHAS hospices.
Community fundraiser Rachel Carr said: “We cannot thank EVH enough for their amazing fundraising efforts. They have supported CHAS with absolute dedication for so long, and have worked so passionately towards their goal of reaching £100,000 this year. Thank you just doesn’t seem to cover it! We are thrilled to dedicate a day to them in recognition of this year’s fundraising and as a small token of our thanks. They have chosen 23rd July, and we cannot wait to celebrate this huge achievement with them at Robin House that day!”
In Scotland, nearly 16,000 children and young people live with life-shortening conditions and CHAS is determined to reach every family who needs its services. CHAS works across Scotland, able to provides its hospice services nation-wide for babies, children and young people with life-shortening conditions., CHAS offers palliative, respite and end-of-life care from Rachel House in Kinross and Robin House in Balloch and also a CHAS at Home service.