Faifley tenants vote in favour of Caledonia transfer
Tenants of Faifley Housing Association have resoundingly backed the proposed transfer to Caledonia Housing Association with 95.6% voting Yes to the proposal.
The ballot was open for 29 days with 70.2% of tenants taking the opportunity to cast their vote.
Caledonia and Faifley created a joint business case for the transfer of engagements of Faifley’s interest into Caledonia that would allow the expanded Caledonia to do much more for Faifley’s tenants, factored owners and staff members. The two organisations worked closely together to develop a transfer proposal that has been shaped by Faifley’s tenants through months of intensive engagement.
Faifley shareholding members will now be invited to two Special General Meetings where they will be asked to approve, then confirm, a special transfer resolution to complete the transfer process. Subject to the support of Faifley’s members and other final consents being achieved, the transfer is expected to complete on April 1. At this point, Caledonia will become responsible for delivering the homes and services currently provided by Faifley.
Caledonia is now preparing to deliver on the promises made to Faifley tenants including a five-year rent freeze, additional investment in homes and the local environment and a host of other improvements in the service which will continue to be delivered by the local staff team based in Faifley.
The transfer from Faifley will bring another 332 properties to Caledonia, adding to the homes it already provides in the West Dunbartonshire area and to its more than 5,000 affordable rented homes across Scotland.
Jackie Lorimer, Faifley’s chair, said: “The management committee were very happy with the package of transfer promises secured from Caledonia. These will make a positive difference to our tenants in terms of improved rent affordability and additional investment in homes. Our staff will continue to provide great local services to our tenants, now with the backing and scale of Caledonia.
“We were delighted that so many tenants took the opportunity to vote with a clear majority voting in favour. This provides a strong mandate for Caledonia going forward to deliver on the promises made.”
Alan Nairn, Caledonia’s chair, added: “We are really pleased that Faifley tenants have voted in favour of the transfer and we look forward to welcoming them and the local staff team into the Caledonia family. Building on our partnership working to date, the transfer will combine the strengths, capabilities, assets and traditions of both organisations to create a stronger entity that can deliver a thriving future for tenants, other customers and staff.”