Fairfield AGM sets out plans for the future
A packed Annual General Meeting heard Fairfield Housing Co-operative’s plans for an exciting future on Friday night in Perth City.
Chief executive Grant Ager reported a successful year of continued growth and financial stability. With over 62 homes currently under construction and a further 72 planned in the next two years, Fairfield continues to play to its key strengths of building and managing homes. With a satisfying level of Charter performance with significant improvement in some areas coupled with an overall 95% satisfaction rating the direction of travel is positive.
Fairfield are currently working with Arneil Johnstone on the development of its future business strategy and this has been a positive experience for staff and board members. The successful partnership working with Kingdom and Caledonia Housing Associations continue to work positively an exemplar for smaller organisations on how to continue to deliver homes.
The meeting saw the election of two new board members taking the complement to 14 with the retiral from the board of the popular Joyce Holyer after 12 years of valued contribution. Joyce and Alice McGuire MBE were presented with flowers to rapturous applause from the meeting by Chair Rena Crichton. Alice, Fairfield’s honorary president, has been a board member for all of the Co-operative’s 29 years, which was recently acknowledged with a long service award by EVH.
Rena Crichton said: “We were delighted at the turnout and the way things are going, I would like to pay tribute to my hard working fellow board members and to Grant and his team.”