Falkirk proposes new procurement strategy to strengthen services and community benefits

Falkirk proposes new procurement strategy to strengthen services and community benefits

A new Procurement Strategy for 2024/25 – 2028/29 aims to strengthen support for local suppliers and community growth, ensuring best value, efficiency and meaningful benefits are delivered for the Falkirk Council area. 

If approved at the meeting of the Executive on 13 March, the procurement strategy will build on the previous strategy and guide how contracts are awarded and managed.  

A large proportion of the council’s annual spend on essential goods, services, and projects, from cleaning supplies to care services and new housing developments, involves procurement activity which aims to benefit the local economy.  

The new Procurement Strategy will focus on five key areas, which sets out plans for continuous improvement and innovation over the life of the strategy. 

  1. Compliance and skills development - Making sure council staff are continuously improving their skills in procurement.
  2. Local supplier engagement - Helping improve the ability of local businesses to compete for council contracts.
  3. Community wealth building - Ensuring that contracts help local communities by creating training and job opportunities and promoting fair working conditions.
  4. Sustainable procurement delivery - Making sure purchases support the environment, economy, and social wellbeing.
  5. Contract and supplier management - To use contract management to improve the services delivered by the council and to increase the outcomes achieved. 

Karen Algie, director of transformation, communities & corporate services, said: “The proposed strategy will look to ensure public money is used wisely to deliver and improve services, create training and job opportunities, and protect the environment. It also aims to ensure that there are more opportunities for local businesses to bid for contracts, boosting the economy in Falkirk.

“By regularly reviewing progress and working with local businesses and community groups, the council hopes to build a stronger, fairer, and more sustainable Falkirk.”

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