Falkirk unveils plans for more than 1,800 new affordable homes
More than 1,800 additional social housing homes are planned to be provided across the Falkirk Council area over the next five years following a bid put forward to Scottish Government.

The £102 million bid would see a mix of new homes built by Falkirk Council and other social landlords, as well as buying back former social housing properties.
Included in the bid are 613 new build homes and 450 ‘buybacks’ for Falkirk Council, with the remainder for other social landlords including Link, Paragon, Loretto, Weslo and other providers.
Funding for the homes will be predominantly from the council’s housing investment programme and other social landlords own financing, with approximately one-third from the Scottish Government.
Councillor Gordon Hughes, spokesperson for housing, said: “Our plan will see hundreds of new homes built across many different locations in the area. More than 1000 will be built for Falkirk Council tenants and more than 700 for other registered social landlords.
“We’re optimistic that we will receive the full funding from the Scottish Government and help improve our local communities with these properties.”