Fife communities invited to create Local Place Plans

Fife Council is asking local community bodies to start to develop Local Place Plans, giving people an opportunity to develop proposals for the development and use of land in the place where they live.
Local Place Plans are a new type of plan designed to stimulate and encourage debate about the future of a place, enabling communities to focus on their aspirations as they shape their local place.
The aim is to make sure that place-based projects and developments are shaped by the needs of local people. This could mean more 20-minute neighbourhoods, town centre revitalisation, community-led regeneration, inclusive growth, local resilience, community wealth building, and local work towards reducing carbon emissions.
Bill Lindsay, service manager, policy and place, Fife Council, said: “Fife Council is inviting communities - local groups or organisations - to prepare Local Place Plans so that they can play an active role in defining the future of their places.
“Fife community groups are being asked to develop place plans that meet their future aspirations and help transform local areas.
“Fife Council will not be involved in writing Local Place Plans but can support community groups – this includes signposting groups to information and practical help. We can also provide further advice on the process and requirements for Local Place Plans in Fife. Information on other support available is at”
The Scottish Government has provided guidance for both communities and planning authorities on the preparation, submission and registration of Local Place Plans in their document Circular 1/2022: Local Place Plans
Any group or body in a position to submit a Local Place Plan can email