Fife Council launches consultation on Local Development Plan

Residents, businesses and visitors are invited to have their say in shaping the Fife of the future by giving their views on the next Local Development Plan.
Fife’s Local Development Plan will guide development within the region over a 20-year period, setting out the long-term future of land use and outlining how development is delivered to the right places, considering local community needs.
A Local Development Plan (LDP) is produced by each council area across Scotland, in collaboration with the public and other stakeholders.
The consultation is seeking views on important issues like the local economy, affordable homes, transport, community facilities, green spaces and play facilities. The council is also seeking views on key future challenges for Fife.
Councillor Altany Craik, spokesperson - Finance, Economy & Strategic Planning, said: “The success of the LDP depends on the participation of local people, businesses and visitors. The Plan will build on the council’s ambition to create a fairer, healthy and sustainable Fife. We want to make sure that quality of life is at the heart of what we do and that we develop a Fife where future generations want to live, work and visit.
“Taking part in this short survey is vital as it offers local people the opportunity to have their say and help shape where they live. To ensure the consultation is effective we want to reach as wide an audience as possible. Please visit the website.”
The consultation begins on 7 November and runs for 6 weeks to 19 December 2022. It is designed to engage with residents and those who work in, or visit, Fife. People can have their say by:
- Visiting online.
- Picking up a hard copy at their local Council Customer Service Centre.
Consultation materials can be made available in different formats on request.
This survey is one of the first steps in developing the new LDP and is being complemented with early engagement with key statutory and non-statutory agencies to explore common challenges and opportunities.
Further consultation will take place in 2023.
Local people, businesses and visitors will be asked to have their say on the Evidence Report that will inform the proposed Local Development Plan. The council has a statutory duty to prepare planning policy for the region, and Fife Council’s next LDP, upon adoption, will replace the current LDP FIFEplan (2017).